How Calling a Contractor Changed My LifeHow Calling a Contractor Changed My Life

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How Calling a Contractor Changed My Life

This might sound completely crazy, but the most important call I ever may was to a construction contractor. I can remember the day as if it were yesterday. I had decided to rebuild parts of my home. This involved removing part of the roof, knocking down a brick wall and removing some electrical wires and water pipes. I started out just fine but then I started to have problems. I realised I was in out of my depth and decided to call an expert. The contractor who came around was great and he quickly fixed up the mess I had made. Since that day, I have had a keen interested in construction contractors. I hope you like this blog.

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Why You Need a Building Surveyor to Help Save an Illegally Modified Property

If you've taken possession of a structure but find out that it has been illegally modified in some way, you may be rightfully worried. You may be especially troubled if you've received a notice from your local authority to tell you that there have been unauthorised works. What should you do in this situation to try and achieve the best outcome?

Demolish or Remedy

When someone has carried out modifications to a building without authority or without properly complying, the default action should be to either return the structure to its original condition or to demolish it altogether. So, when you receive a notice from the authority, the onus is on you to persuade them. In essence, you should either demolish or correct it in accordance with a new building permit so that it is in compliance. If you decided that demolition was the only way forward, the authority would then issue a brand-new building order to allow that work to continue.

Providing Justification

However, if you would prefer to keep the structure, you have to justify your position and to start this process, you will need to bring in an experienced building surveyor. They will look at the structure and focus on the legal work, before telling you just how much is required to rectify everything to be compliant.

Detailed Work

The building surveyor may need to bring in other experts like architects and engineers to do this work. They may need to commission a structural report and get the architect to draw up plans to show how rectification work would be carried out.

They may also need to draw up a detailed report to show where the building fails at the moment and how it could, with certain modifications, comply with relevant acts and regulations. This rectification work would require its own building permit, and your private building surveyor can handle the detail.

Presenting a Good Case

Remember, the default position is that the structure should be demolished, and you need to ensure that your position is clearly stated, with a good reason for the property to remain. Thus, the work provided by your building surveyor will be crucial in helping you to dissuade the local authority, get the correct building permit and go forward with alterations.

Getting Underway

Start the ball rolling by talking with a building surveyor. They will get in touch with the other professionals and coordinate your plan.