How Calling a Contractor Changed My LifeHow Calling a Contractor Changed My Life

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How Calling a Contractor Changed My Life

This might sound completely crazy, but the most important call I ever may was to a construction contractor. I can remember the day as if it were yesterday. I had decided to rebuild parts of my home. This involved removing part of the roof, knocking down a brick wall and removing some electrical wires and water pipes. I started out just fine but then I started to have problems. I realised I was in out of my depth and decided to call an expert. The contractor who came around was great and he quickly fixed up the mess I had made. Since that day, I have had a keen interested in construction contractors. I hope you like this blog.

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Who You Gonna Call? The Four People Who Will Help You Complete Your Demolition Project

Breaking down a property is a daunting task to take on, but a necessary and worthy one that gives you a chance and the space to take on a new building project. Before swinging that hammer to the wall, it will involve collaborating with a number of third parties to complete. To help you navigate this seemingly complicated process, we've narrowed down a list of some of the people you should talk to before starting the demolition.

1. Get the permit from your council

The process for a demolition involves acquiring a demolition permit from the local council. If you building falls under certain categories, such as heritage listings, there may be more requirements and restrictions to the method and boundaries of the demolition. At the same time, you may wish to submit the planning approval for the new building, which will allow you to speed up the process towards constructing the new property.

2. Consult a builder 

Getting an experienced builder or contractor involved early on will make it a lot easier to navigate the process of demolition. The builder will be able to guide you through the whole process and inspect your house to identify any potential issues. For properties that have a bit of age to them, you may require an asbestos removal procedure from a specialist. Understanding the structural skeleton of the property is an equally important part of the demolition, and your builder will be able to advise you on the best method to proceed - the last thing we want to happen is for your roof to come down over your head!

3. Talk to your neighbours

Demolition is a task that will unfortunately affect the households adjacent to your plot. It's best to get them together or talk to them one-on-one to notify them that you will be conducting these works, as well as allowing them the opportunity to address any concerns that may arise in the weeks that follow.

4. Salvage the materials for others

Far from scrap, when taken apart properly, the salvaged materials of a house can either be re-used or fetch you a few more dollars to line your wallet. Timber sections and panels which are unpainted and not rotted can be re-purposed for a whole variety of purposes. Windows, roof shingles, and cabinets, if unused, can be given new life in a second home as long as it doesn't contain asbestos, lead paint or rotting wood. Talk to your builder and see if any local organizations will be willing to take them on site, saving you the trouble of trying to disperse them through other channels.